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Congratulations from us to you!

Honoring Every Stage of Education

Nursing Grads!

Congratulations Class of 2024!

As I prepare for my DNP hooding tomorrow morning in New Orleans, LA, my home state, I wanted to take a moment to reflect and congratulate all nursing graduates! Many things have been dedicated to our education journey including precious time, finances, and personal focus.

In the bustling world of healthcare, nurses are the unsung heroes who tirelessly work to ensure the well-being of patients. From the moment a person steps into a hospital to their journey of recovery, nurses play an integral role in every step of the way. As we recognize the invaluable contributions of these healthcare professionals, it’s essential not only to celebrate their achievements but also to applaud their dedication at every stage of their education.

Nursing is not just a profession; it’s a calling—a commitment to compassion, empathy, and service. Whether they are nursing students embarking on their educational journey, seasoned professionals advancing their skills, or educators shaping the future of healthcare, every nurse deserves recognition and appreciation for their unwavering dedication to improving lives.

Honoring Aspiring Nurses: Nursing Students

The journey of a nurse often begins with a dream—a desire to make a difference in the lives of others. Nursing students dedicate countless hours to learning the intricacies of healthcare, from mastering medical terminology to gaining hands-on experience in clinical settings. Their determination, resilience, and passion for caregiving shine through as they navigate the challenges of their education.

To all nursing students, we commend your commitment to excellence and your unwavering dedication to learning. Your willingness to embrace challenges and pursue knowledge sets the foundation for a fulfilling career in nursing. As you embark on this transformative journey, know that your hard work and perseverance do not go unnoticed. You are the future of healthcare, and your contributions will undoubtedly shape the landscape of nursing for years to come.

Recognizing Experienced Nurses: Lifelong Learners

In the ever-evolving field of healthcare, continuous learning is paramount. Experienced nurses, with years of clinical expertise under their belts, understand the importance of staying updated on the latest advancements in medical science and technology. Whether through pursuing advanced degrees, attending professional development workshops, or seeking specialized certifications, these nurses exemplify a commitment to lifelong learning and excellence in patient care.

To all experienced nurses, we salute your dedication to mastering your craft and your tireless efforts to provide the highest quality of care to your patients. Your wealth of experience, combined with your thirst for knowledge, elevates the standard of nursing practice and inspires those around you. As you continue to grow and evolve in your career, may you find fulfillment in knowing that your contributions make a profound difference in the lives of others.

Appreciating Nurse Educators: Mentors and Guides

Behind every exceptional nurse is a dedicated educator who has played a pivotal role in shaping their journey. Nurse educators, whether in academic settings or clinical practice, serve as mentors, guides, and champions of excellence. They impart not only knowledge but also wisdom, instilling in their students the values of empathy, integrity, and professionalism that are integral to the nursing profession.

To all nurse educators, we extend our deepest gratitude for your tireless dedication to shaping the future of healthcare. Your passion for teaching, coupled with your wealth of experience, empowers the next generation of nurses to thrive in their careers and uphold the highest standards of patient care. Your impact extends far beyond the walls of the classroom, leaving a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and uplift others.

In conclusion, as we celebrate Nurses Week and express our gratitude to nurses worldwide, let us not forget to honor and congratulate all nurses at every stage of their education. Whether they are aspiring students, seasoned professionals, or dedicated educators, each nurse plays a vital role in shaping the landscape of healthcare and improving the lives of countless individuals. Together, let us recognize their contributions, celebrate their achievements, and reaffirm our commitment to supporting and empowering nurses everywhere.

Laura Love, DNP, APRN, FNP-C

Doctor of Nursing Practice

Board Certified AANPCB Family Nurse Practitioner

CEO & Founder Precept Now

Ever thought of owning your own telehealth practice? Here are a couple things to consider when brainstorming your new buisness venture.

Creating Your Own Telemedicine Practice: A Step-by-Step Tutorial for Nurse Practitioners

Telemedicine has revolutionized the healthcare industry, offering convenient access to care for patients and exciting opportunities for healthcare providers. As a nurse practitioner, you have the skills and expertise to establish your own telemedicine practice. This tutorial will guide you through the essential steps to create and own your telemedicine practice, empowering you to provide quality care from the comfort of your own virtual clinic.

Step 1: Research and Planning Begin by conducting thorough research on telemedicine regulations, reimbursement policies, and licensure requirements in your state or region. Familiarize yourself with the technology and platforms commonly used in telemedicine practice. Create a comprehensive business plan, outlining your practice goals, target patient population, services offered, and marketing strategies.

Step 2: Legal Considerations and Licensure Consult with legal professionals to ensure compliance with telemedicine regulations and privacy laws specific to your jurisdiction. Obtain any necessary licenses or certifications required to practice telemedicine. It is essential to understand the legal and ethical guidelines governing telehealth practice to ensure patient confidentiality and quality of care.

Step 3: Technology and Infrastructure Invest in the necessary technology infrastructure to support your telemedicine practice. This includes a reliable internet connection, HIPAA-compliant video conferencing software or telehealth platform, electronic health record (EHR) system, and secure communication channels. Choose user-friendly platforms that facilitate seamless interactions with patients.

Step 4: Telehealth Workflow and Documentation Design a streamlined workflow for your telemedicine practice. Establish efficient processes for scheduling appointments, conducting virtual visits, and managing patient records. Implement documentation protocols tailored to telehealth encounters, ensuring accurate and comprehensive electronic medical records.

Step 5: Insurance and Reimbursement Understand the insurance and reimbursement landscape for telemedicine services. Familiarize yourself with billing codes specific to telehealth visits and ensure proper documentation to support reimbursement claims. Establish relationships with insurance providers and stay updated on reimbursement policies to maximize revenue.

Step 6: Marketing and Patient Engagement Develop a marketing strategy to promote your telemedicine practice and attract patients. Utilize various channels, such as social media, your website, and online directories, to create awareness and reach your target audience. Engage patients through educational content, newsletters, and personalized communication to foster lasting relationships.

Step 7: Collaboration and Referrals Collaborate with other healthcare professionals to expand your telemedicine network. Build relationships with primary care physicians, specialists, and healthcare organizations to facilitate referrals and create a comprehensive care network for your patients. Actively engage in professional networks and telemedicine communities to stay updated on industry trends and opportunities.

Step 8: Continuous Improvement and Quality Assurance Regularly assess the performance of your telemedicine practice and seek feedback from patients and colleagues. Implement quality improvement initiatives to enhance patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes. Stay updated on advancements in telehealth technology and incorporate innovations that can further enhance the patient experience.

By following these steps, you can confidently establish your own telemedicine practice as a nurse practitioner. Embrace the power of technology, prioritize patient-centered care, and adapt to the evolving landscape of telehealth. As you navigate this exciting journey, your telemedicine practice has the potential to provide convenient, accessible, and high-quality care to patients, empowering you to make a significant impact in the healthcare field.

What Roles do NP’s possess in the Future of Healthcare?

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are indeed gaining recognition as a vital part of the future of healthcare. There are several reasons why they are poised to play a significant role in shaping the healthcare landscape:

  1. Bridging the Gap: With the growing shortage of primary care physicians, nurse practitioners step in to bridge the gap and provide much-needed healthcare services. Their advanced education and training equip them with the skills to handle a wide range of medical conditions, offering accessible and timely care to patients.
  2. Holistic and Patient-Centered Care: Nurse practitioners have a holistic approach to healthcare, emphasizing preventive care, health promotion, and patient education. They take the time to listen to patients, understand their concerns, and involve them in decision-making. This patient-centered approach fosters a strong therapeutic relationship, leading to better health outcomes and increased patient satisfaction.
  3. Collaborative Approach: Nurse practitioners are adept at working collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, and specialists. This collaborative model of care promotes effective communication, interdisciplinary teamwork, and shared decision-making, resulting in comprehensive and coordinated patient management.
  4. Focus on Health Education: NPs place great importance on health education and empowering patients to take an active role in their own well-being. They provide patients with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions about their health, leading to better self-care practices and disease prevention.
  5. Cost-Effective Care: Studies have shown that the utilization of nurse practitioners in healthcare settings can lead to cost savings. NPs provide high-quality care at a lower cost compared to physicians, making healthcare more affordable and accessible for individuals and communities.
  6. Expanded Scope of Practice: Over the years, many states have recognized the value of nurse practitioners and expanded their scope of practice, allowing them to diagnose, treat, and prescribe medications independently. This increased autonomy enables NPs to practice to the full extent of their education and training, enhancing access to care and reducing wait times.

In summary, nurse practitioners embody the future of healthcare due to their ability to fill the provider gap, deliver patient-centered care, collaborate effectively, prioritize health education, offer cost-effective solutions, and benefit from an expanded scope of practice. As the healthcare landscape evolves, nurse practitioners will continue to be at the forefront, playing a vital role in meeting the diverse needs of patients and communities.

FREE access to CME for all members!!

CME offered FREE to ALL Members!!

Continuing medical education (CME) is now being offered FOR FREE for all members starting March 20, 2023!! Medical providers have lifelong learning careers, therefore continuing education is imperative!  Free CME access has become scarce, can be costly if purchased as an individual, and is limited at most facilities.  Not here at Precept Now!  As of March 20th there will be FREE CME access to all site members on a rotating basis.  Once your time frame is selected you will have unlimited access to all educational material including over 83 medical courses and 20 workshops.  Examples of available course specialties include addiction medicine, dermatology, cardiology, endocrinology, pharmacology, and more!  A few examples of available workshops include POCUS, nephrology, and GI.  As of now seats are limited, yet are expected to grow.  As more members join so will the availability and length of CME rotation access.  We have partnered with a well-known American/ European based company to give this great gift of continued education for all our members!  Join now to secure your free CME access today!

Thinking about becoming an APRN? Don’t know where to start regarding program track selection?

This blog post discusses 5 NEXT STEPS to consider when deciding to start your academic journey to become an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN).  The need for APRNs is on the rise as healthcare advances, populations age, and the healthcare shortages continue.   APRN benefits include higher pay, increased autonomy, and advancing your professional education. There are many different types of APRNs and include: nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialist, nurse anesthetists, and nurse midwives.  These advanced nursing roles come with different types of educational requirements, work schedules, and pay scales. It is recommended to review all aspects of your potential new career prior to searching for specific programs that fit your lifestyle and professional preferences.

  1. Program track selection. Once you have decided what type of advanced practice nurse that you would like to become, then searching for a program would be next. At this time most schools are transitioning to include doctorate programs.  Deciding on whether you would like to continue in an MSN vs. DNP program would be a next step.  Most nurse anesthetists’ programs are doctorate level, but other APRN categories have MSN and/or DNP options. What level of education will be required for desired jobs or nursing positions in your future as your nursing career advances? Other considerations include venue of education.  Is the program online or is attendance at brick-and-mortar school a requirement? Is there travel required to visit the campus for skill assessment or DNP defense? What are the clinical hour requirements and are preceptors/clinical sites provided by the school for your chosen education track?
  2. Financing considerations for your studies is another step during program track selection as this can influence your educational path. Will you be taking out student loans or self-paying for your new education? Does your current employer offer tuition reimbursement and if so, what are the stipulations? Are you interested in applying for scholarships or considering work programs associated with the completion of your degree?  Considering your budget and cost of living needs during the program is vital.
  3. Program track progression and time line. Will you be attending full time (6 credit hours) a semester or part-time? Does your potential program allow for time off or breaks between classes?  How long do you have to complete the program once starting it? What program would be the best fit for your lifestyle and current work schedule?
  4. Evaluating program entry requirements and prerequisites. Some APRN programs require entry level tests like GRE or MCAT exams.  This is good to consider as they require additional upfront cost to sit for examination and time devoted to preparation.  Some programs also require different GPA requirements and admission documentation including essays and professional references.  Knowing what each school requires can expedite your admission process and guide your APRN program selection.
  5. Understanding program processes and work flow.  What kind of work will be required of you during the week/ semester?  Most schools that are online have many papers and discussion posts weekly that account for attendance and overall work completion.  This is good to review with potential program academic advisors on what to expect as a new student when school begins to set yourself up for success.

Knowing these details prior to program selection can help avoid pitfalls when applying for APRN programs and set you up for success as a student.  Stay tuned for more APRN advice and considerations regarding the next steps in the world of academia for APRNs.

Saving Money while in Grad School

Graduate school is not cheap.  Here are 6 penny pinching tips to save money while in grad school.

  • Budget your expenses prior to starting school. I was amazed to know what I truly spent my money on prior to creating a budget. Monitoring 100 % of your income and expenses reveals areas of financial improvement where you could tighten up or splurge. Examples of nonessential expenses may include dining out, clothing, and online subscriptions.  Everydollar budgeting app is Dave Ramsey approved and can help you monitor your money.  Knowing and planning your expenses prevents unplanned stressors and is a good tool for planning your financial future in general.


  • Request a student ID. Most schools offer this.  If you are attending a school online you can request this and use for everyday purchases with available student discounts.  This includes some restaurants, most large movie theater chains, vacations packages, and more. It may not seem like much as first, but discounts over time can mean more money in your wallet. Examples of digital services that provide student discount include: Amazon Prime, Apple Music, and Hulu are just a couple to mention There are lots more!


  • Do not accept all student loan disbursements as a refund. When utilizing FASFA government loans for your education you have the opportunity to decline any extra funds received. The subsidized loan received may exceed your schools’ tuition cost resulting in a refund.  Rather than take a cash refund on borrowed money with increasing and accruing interest, consider only accepting what you need.  This can be discussed with your student advisor and finance department upon acceptance of your institutions financial award package.


  • Rent your textbooks or find them online for free. Many online rental services like Chegg, Vitalsource Bookshelf, and Amazon are great places to find rental textbooks for cheap. There are also other options including eBooks as a virtual book option that are cheaper than paying full price for a new textbooks. Access is normally for duration of semester and can be extended if needed. Check out PDFdrive for free online versions of the textbook you may need.


  • Adjusting large personal payments. When I first started grad school my mortgage and car payment all were due the first of the month.  This left little money to live off of during the first half of the month.  For a small one-time bank fee, I was able to move my large payment due dates around to better accommodate my limited income as I dropped down to part-time while obtaining my FNP.  This may seem trivial, yet made a huge difference in the way my expenses were distributed in the month.


  • Apply for scholarships. Scholly is a low-cost scholarship app that you enter the amount of money desired to cover your academic expenses and then reveals specific scholarships to apply for to help with school cost. Also research your local nurse practitioner chapters as they often have scholarship opportunities for student members. Currently my Virginia Counsel of Nurse Practitioners offers a scholarship for DNP students. Every extra penny is helpful


These are just a few ways to better financially prepare and save money while in graduate school. If you know of any extra helpful hints or students resources please share them below.

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