Laura Love, MSN, APRN, FNP-C
I was in my second clinical semester and the pandemic was in full force. All of my specialty clinical rotations fell through and I had exhausted all options for clinical peers, local hospitals, and cold calls to specialty offices. I was forced to delay my graduation by two semesters. This was an expensive and emotional delay as I was working hard to complete school and personal funds were limited. This delay almost cost me a lucrative job offer as I had a job lined up after completion of school and boards. I saw a need for APRN students and knew that our profession is the most underserved nationally regarding clinical site placement. Every school is different, yet besides a list of clinical sites that previous students used I was left to my own device.
I started this website to empower ALL medical provider students and to create a community for students and preceptors. This site embodies the medical community, gives YOU the power of choice, and can help prevent graduation delays. This website will also support you after graduation by keeping you linked into the medical community free of charge and provide opportunities for precepting others along your new career path. Education is constant and lifelong. I too am still a student as I complete my DNP and other post masters education certificates. This website will be a career long service to all medical providers by enriching the learning experience while making academic life simpler.